Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Here's to a new beginning

Wow...it has been quite a while since I put my thoughts on here.  But I got inspired to share my thoughts tonight and maybe, just maybe, it'll become a more often kind of thing.

Tonight, Jenn and I watched Mom's Night Out.  I had gotten a text from redbox that it was in, so I got it. Then on my way home, Jenn texted and request I go rent it.  But I'd already done that exact thing! Weird... Anyway, it is a wonderful movie.  It doesn't really follow the corny Christian stereotype.  It is worth a watch! 

Of course, Jenn is a little misty eyed at the end of the movie.  Just in time to watch The Duggars.  

 I will be the first to tell you, I'm not much of a reality TV guy.  I watch Duck Dynasty, because it is AWESOME! But I'm not a fan of many things that fall on TLC or any channel of the like.  However, I have a great appreciation for the kind of family the Duggars are and what beliefs they stand on.  I'm just not very into the show.  Jenn has about the same stance on Duck Dynasty, so I think we find a happy medium.  

All that to say, when we flipped over to the TiVo source on the TV, the episode where Jill Duggar gets engaged was on.  Of course, her fiancĂ© had a guy play a song.  The gist of the song is basically, " When God made you He must have been thinking of me." 

Like many thing do in our household this sparked a mini- theological discussion.  

Jenn said "well I don't know that that's too accurate." To which she added, "He was probably thinking more of Himself than of anyone." 

I told her I agreed with her, but I like to think of it a different way.  

Of course, we were created for God's glory and to please Him.  That is our foremost call in this life, to bring God glory! However, I see it like he puts us together.  

He looked at Jennifer Conn, and then he took a look at the goofy sucker who sits typing on his iPad right now, and He might've said something like "They're perfect together, for my purpose." 

Jenn and I both, separately we're made for God's glory, but our relationship and our union was also made for his perfect pleasure.  God put us together, worked out a perfect plan, and has us where he has us today for his purpose.  

I could not ask for a better partner in ministry.  And no, I don't just mean our college Sunday school class or our involvement at church.  I mean she is my partner in the ministry of the football field.

I am so very thankful that God put us together!