Let's start with a summarization of the story... (John 11)
Jesus had just crossed over the Jordan back to where John the Baptist had baptized many people. Jesus was hanging out with the disciples and word was sent to Him that his friend, Lazarus, was sick.
In fact, the words that were used are, "Lord, the one you love is sick." What that shows us is that Lazarus is one of Jesus' good friends. Of course, this Lazarus is the brother of Mary, the young lady who would later wash Jesus' feet with her hair and perfume. Anyway, these were close friends of Jesus. Jesus even talked about how this sickness would not end in death, but that it was for God's glory and for Jesus, Himsef to be glorified. So, Jesus stayed where he was. In the human mind, this is simply incomprehensible. Why would you wait to see your sick friend? Somebody you love.
Jesus waits two days and then goes to Bethany, where Lazarus and his sisters, Mary and Martha, lived.
When Jesus decides to head to Bethany, He tells the disciples that Lazarus has fallen asleep, and that He was going to wake him up. The disciples are known for missing out on Jesus' cryptic messages. Of course, we have 20/20 vision, we know the end game, they didn't. So they conclude, "if he sleeps, he'll get better." So then Jesus tells them straight up, Lazarus is dead. He also foreshadows that He's about to do something awesome, not just by saying He's going to wake him up, but Jesus tells the disciples that He's about to give them reason to believe.
When Jesus gets to Bethany, we learn Lazarus has been in the tomb for four days! Martha basically heads Jesus and tells Him that if He'd come sooner her brother wouldn't be dead. Jesus flat out tells her that her brother is going to live again!
Now put yourself in Martha's shoes. As good of friends as you are with Jesus, you've got to be thinking He may be a little crazy. You would have seen Lazarus sealed up in the tomb, there was no coming back. However, God got involved!
Isn't it amazing?!? Just when we think all hope is lost, that nothing is ever going to go our way, we can lean on God and trust His promises to work everything it for His glory! That is exactly what happens here with Lazarus.
So Jesus asks to be taken to the grave. Now remember, Jesus already said this sickness would not end in death. Now, at this point, Mary had come to Jesus as well and it seems as if He'd been moved by the emotions of the family, because John tells us, that Jesus wept. Now, what does that show us? Well, to put it simply, God cares about you and what you're going through! The Bible tells us that we are God's children and friends, so how much does God care for you!
Jesus then asks the stone to be rolled away. Martha worries about the smell. Jesus prays and thanks God for hearing him. Jesus kept telling the people of this story, that if they believed they would see the glory of God.
Then, Jesus calls Lazarus out. Now, if you've seen Son of God, you see they portray it as Jesus walking into the tomb and breathing life into Lazarus. However, the Bible doesn't mention any of that. The Bible leads us to believe Jesus was standing outside.
We know that the power of God is strong. There are numerous examples in the power of God coming through His words! The creation of the world, for one, and even if you look into when Jesus was being arrested in the garden, He spoke the words "I am," and the soldiers hit the ground!
Needless to say, all Jesus has to do is speak. That's what he does! Jesus says, "Lazarus, come out!" So when the Creator of the universe tells you to come out, what are you going to do? Lazarus wakes up from the dead and walks out of the tomb.
This is a landmark point in the ministry of Jesus. Up to this point, the Jewish religious leaders had explained away all the other miracles of Jesus. However, now they begin to plot to take Him out. They also plot to take out Lazarus. Why? Well, Lazarus proves the power of Jesus!
What does all this have in applying to our lives?
John Piper put it this way regarding Lazarus, "Revealing my glory to you is better than you escaping death the first time." In other words, Jesus could have come to Lazarus immediately and healed him of his sickness. However, the glory that was revealed through raising Lazarus from the dead was worth more than Lazarus' healing. God had a bigger, better plan!
So where are you? Are you in the middle of sickness or struggle? Does you feel like God is "late" on what's going on in your life?
God has a plan. It may not be comfortable for us, but His timing is perfect. Everything He's doing is for His glory! We are for His glory! Follow Him through your struggles and His glory will be revealed!
You're sick and waiting, but He's just waiting to raise you!