What is interesting, and what we sometimes miss, is that while Jesus was countering the culture He lived in, He was also creating a totally new one. In our lives, as Christ followers, we are called to do exactly what Jesus did.
We live in a culture today that is messed up. We have slowly turned away from God. In my mind, it's partly our fault. We've become the types of churches and Christians that just go to church on Sundays, maybe Wednesday's, but outside of those days and outside of the walls of the church, we are no different from the people outside. We think we've done nothing more than purchase "fire insurance," if we go and sit in church on a percentage of the Sundays and Wednesdays of the year.
This weekend, I started and finished Lecrae's book Unashamed, in a chapter he describes reading Andy Crouch and that he describes four ways Christians interact with culture.
1) consume
2) condemn
3) copy
4) create
When we consume, we don't filter anything. We just do everything everyone else is doing and don't pay mind to what God has revealed to us in His Word. This is not the way to engage the culture. The world seeing that you're doing the exact same thing they are isn't going to change their heart, they won't see anything different.
Condemning the culture will not get us anywhere either. Yes, this is the part where I talk about posting that you're not going to Target anymore because of the transgender bathroom issue. It could also be all sorts of boycotts and on and on to all kinds of different things. This stance of condemnation does not advance the mission of spreading the love of Jesus Christ.
Another way we engage the culture is by copying it. This method really caught on when I was young and impressionable. You better believe I was on the copy culture bandwagon. That is still a little evident today in certain areas. None so evident as the t-shirts of the late 90s and early 00s!
Those are just a couple of examples! At any rate, the copy of the culture does not prove as an effective strategy either.
The most effective method of spreading the love of Christ is to create a new culture.
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
Acts 2:42-47 ESV
In this passage, we get a glimpse into the early church following the Holy Spirit's arrival into their lives. It had become evident who they were and that they served the one true God, they were meeting together on a daily basis and learning, praying, and giving. Total flip around from the way things were for that time.
"But, we have created our own culture..."
I thought you'd say that. Yes, we have. I would venture to say, however, that we have taken our culture into a different realm from where it should be. We've almost become "subsistence (social studies term) believers," in that we get just enough Jesus, and leave so much more out in the open. We show up on Wednesday and Sunday, get "fed" and then we go home. I say we, because I'm as guilty as anyone! We don't seek the Lord in our every day ventures or in our careers!
We just go through life, then work the whole system of showing up when we need a refuel. It's no wonder the world doesn't want any part of what we are doing! We are doing it the way that works! We've made it our own and we have tarnished it.
As Christ-followers, it's time to change what we are doing. It's time to create a new culture out a culture that we are a part of. It can't just be a couple of people either, it needs to be all of us.
If we are going to spread the message and the love of Jesus Christ, we have first got to get back to the original mode of doing so! Read the Book of Acts for more insight!