Division is the goal of our enemy. Not just the enemies of America, but the enemy of all Christians, Satan.
I've been the loud mouth who had an opinion on every protest and ya da ya da ya da.
But the Lord is tweaking and working on my heart.
America is not the perfect nation we all like to make it out to be. We do like we do in our homes, communities, and churches, sweep the issues under the rug and hope they go away.
I told my kids in class the other day, everyone has their right to protest. Even when it seems that protest does nothing but cause division, they've still got the right to protest.
The Constitution (ironically we just celebrated Constitution week) gives rights to every American. And it's not just for the patriots, not just for the liberals, not just for the conservatives, not just for the Christians, not just for the Muslims, not just for the straight, not just for the homosexuals; the rights of the Constitution are guaranteed to every single American citizen.
Christians, we see ourselves on some pedestal, I guess. The shocking thing you may not realize...many of the NFL and NBA players are Christians, and we attack them. We spend so much time looking down our nose at people. These divisions have been here and aren't going anywhere until WE love like our Savior loved!
We've created a corrupted Biblical worldview. We've cut and pasted the Bible to fit what we want it to. We delete the passages that won't fit in our comfort zone. We for sure have deleted the passages that tell us to be servants and love outside the walls of our churches!
We want to hunker down and hide behind the walls of our churches and expect our pastors to lead out for us.
We walk out on Sunday and don't think about God til Wednesday or maybe Saturday night when we plan on whether or not to go to church.
I've sat back and watched over the last year or so.
I know you're sayin, "you've been a big proponent of putting down these protesters and anyone who does anything different." Here's the thing. I have, I'm sorry for that, and all I can say for that is God is working on me.
Note: I have never been stronger in my principles and values, but my heart has been softened and my eyes have been opened a little more.
If you look back at a previous post, you'll see my opinion on our nation and our faith.
I think we've created this American Christianity which is not Biblical. We like to substitute "America" for "God's people" in the Bible. Read that post to see the rest of my thoughts on that certain issue.
The past few days have shown me this. Stand up against the United States and get the anger of 1,000s of Christians/people.
What about those that stand against Jesus? What are we doing?
We are letting it happen.
Oh we post about it, and complain, we might call others names, but what are you actually doing?!?
I will refrain from commenting on the comments toward other believers that our illustrious President made the other day which got this whole issue tipped off.
Don't let division cloud our mission. (I mean our mission as Christians, not some American subtext here.)
“I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment. For it has been reported to me by Chloe's people that there is quarreling among you, my brothers. What I mean is that each one of you says, "I follow Paul," or "I follow Apollos," or "I follow Cephas," or "I follow Christ." Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?”
1 Corinthians 1:10-13 ESV