Friday, March 25, 2011


I'm reading Tony Dungy's book Uncommon and during last night's reading, the chapter was on Courage.  It talked a lot about courage in the regular happenings of life, but Dungy also told a story about how the Steeler's began looking at small college talent, leading to the acquisition of the likes of Mean Joe Greene and Terry Bradshaw among many others.

The story goes that a sports writer in one of the Pittsburgh area papers had been dogging the way that the Steelers were playing and ignoring the smaller school talents, especially African Americans (both players and schools).  Then, Dan Rooney invited that sports writer to lunch.  This lunch wasn't to berate or threaten this guy at all, but to get his opinion.  The team president of a NFL team, sat down to lunch with a sports writer and actually asked his opinion.  In the end, the sports writer was hired as a scout and began instituting his thoughts. 

All in all, the courage of the sports writer and the courage of Dan Rooney lead the Steelers to so many Super Bowls and lead the legendary careers of many players who otherwise might have not gotten a shot.

Where are you showing courage today?

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