Saturday, September 12, 2015

Bless Me

Have you ever asked God to bless you like He's done others? 

Last night after the football game I listened to a TD Jakes podcast where he briefly mentioned the expectations we have for God to bless us like he has done others.  

When we read stories from the Bible or hear about the way God has blessed others, we tend to expect God to do the same thing with us.  

So, let's look at a Biblical example.

Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt, and God did a lot of, as Jakes says, "showing out."  God parted the Red Sea for the entire nation to pass through safely, produced water from a rock, before they even left Egypt God brought plagues on all of Egypt, and many other amazing miracles. 

Then Moses dies and Joshua is now the leader of the nation.  So God tells Joshua that the nation is about to cross the Jordan River and he's going to allow them to walk across on dry land.  The most interesting thing about the story is that God tells Joshua that they'll have to step out in to the water.  All Moses had to do was stretch out his staff over the water.  However, Joshua had to get out into the water before it pulled up on itself.  Also, the big thing here is that God used this miracle to show the nation of Israel that He was with Joshua just as he was with Moses.  This is just an illustration that God is with us as He was with those who've gone before us, but we can't always expect it to be the same circumstances.

So real life application time...

Unless it is your first time reading, you know that Jenn and I have been attempting to get pregnant and/or adopt for some time now, with no results.  As I listened to TD Jakes the other night, it kind of punched me in the gut.  I think that I've been sitting here looking at my friends and other people who are being blessed with beautiful children and pregnancies all the time.  Then I wonder what God thinks he's doing, and I get so upset about it.  Here's the deal, God is doing something! He has shown Jenn and I His power and His love through ALL of the things we are going through.  He may not necessarily being doing it in the way we think He should or the way He has done for others.

But here's what I know!

God is still with us just like he is with others.  He's going to show and has shown His power in awesome ways! We just seem to be having to step out in the water to see it.  

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