Monday, February 1, 2016

Who Will Fight For You?

Have you ever felt surrounded by the pressures of life?  Like you're between a rock and a hard place? Maybe like you're being attacked from every side and there's nothing you can do? 

Well, let me begin by telling you that you're not wrong.  When you feel this way, there's nothing you can do.  

Take the children of Israel for example.  In Exodus, we see that God has sent Moses to bring the Israelites up out of Egypt.  So, abridged version, Moses takes the Israelites out of Egypt.  They leave Egypt and they end up out in the wilderness.  God then sets it in motion for Pharoah, the king of Egypt, to pursue them.  All this is because God is wanting to show off.  

So, the Egyptians are in pursuit.  The Israelites begin to run a way, and then run right into the banks of the Red Sea.  The Israelites looked at the sea ahead of them and the army behind them and became discouraged.  They questioned Moses as to why he would lead them out into the wilderness.  But then Moses spoke up.

“And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.””
Exodus 14:13-14 ESV

So instead of worrying, the Israelites should've been praying!  Hindsight is 20/20 but didn't they just witness God delivering them from slavery in Egypt?  They watched the plagues rage against Israel, they'd seen the mighty hand of God! So then, they'd rested and when they turned around, they saw Pharoah and his army behind them and they want to quit.  

Are we not the exact same?

I know I can be just like them.  God can do miraculous things in my life and has done them and then at the first sign of trouble, I lose all trust in Him.  I go from letting Him take control, to taking control and I just end up screwing it all up! 

So what does God want us to do in these situations?

Look at this portion of the Exodus, He wants us to stop and just be still.  We have to realize that He has our best interest in mind, and that He will also fight for us.  What does that mean, "God will fight for you..."? It means that God will look out for you, God's got your back!  He has what He thinks is best for your life!  Never ever doubt that fact!  God will fight, He will go to bat, He will step in for you!

He did step in for you!  He took your place and died for the sins you have committed and that you will commit!  He did it for the sins of the world.  He did for everyone.  He fought for us on the cross and in the grave!  

So where does that put us?  

When you face a trial, when you're in between a rock and a hard place, put your trust in the Lord!  Give the situation to him and He will work your situation out for your good.  It may not feel good at that moment, but it will be for your good in the long run!  Take comfort in the fact that the Creator of the universe is fighting for you!  

So when you turn around and see whatever enemy pressing in on you, turn around and look to God!  He will take over the fight for you! 

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