I've probably said or heard this statement a couple hundred times in my years as an athlete and a coach. It applies in more than just the realm of football or basketball. Let's take a look of how we can translate a statement like this into our lives as Christ-followers.
What is a fan?
According to Google's definition, a fan is "a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular person or thing." Good definition. Fans come in different varieties. You've got your hardcore fans, no matter what the team is the best, even if they haven't won a game in three years. You've got your fair weather fans. These are the guys that are high on the team when they're winning but in the midst of a tough season, they're no where to be found. Then the old bandwagon fans, these guys look for the next big thing or the next big team. Right now you probably see them wearing Panthers gear or Warriors jerseys!
So fans are the people in the stands. The people watching. They're not in on the action. They are not active participants. They don't get the full effect of the game. Believe me, there's nothing like being down on the field, either the sideline or the actual field. Being in the middle of the action is an incredible rush! There's simply nothing like it!
Let me get to where I'm going...
So what does Jesus call us to be? Are we supposed to be up in the stands, just watching? Or does He long for us to be actively participating?
To borrow from Kyle Idleman, we weren't called to be fans.
Jesus wants us to actively participate with Him in the advancement of His Kingdom!
“For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end.”
Hebrews 3:14
We are a part of Christ game plan and mission. We aren't meant to spend life in the stands. Jesus has called us to simply follow Him. He asks no more than what I ask my athletes to do. I ask them to trust me in the calls I make and to execute what I ask them to do. Jesus asks us to do the exact same thing. All He asks is to place our trust in Him, and to follow Him.
He calls us to listen to what He says. I have to wonder how much easier life would be if we'd all recognize our calling to get out of the stands and participate in the game. Choose today, take the ticket you've got and exchange it for the equipment it takes to participate alongside our coach, Jesus Christ!
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