Saturday, December 24, 2016

What's the Deal with Christmas?

A few weeks ago, I posted what I thought would be the beginning of a series of post covering the lead up to Christmas, that most of us call Advent.  Well, that ADVENTure (see what I did there?) fell as flat as that last joke did, with the hustle and bustle of the season and the responsibility of getting settled in our new home.

So seeing as it's Christmas Eve, I thought I'd address a question a lot of people have today....

What's the Deal with Christmas?  (insert Seinfeld theme, here)

So as I've said before.  God had a plan, from the very beginning, of redeeming the world He'd created.  Sin had entered the world and distorted the beautiful, perfect creation that God put together.  He had to make atonement.  The first way this happened was through blood sacrifice by His followers.  The Hebrew people would sacrifice a lamb or other animal in order to cover the sins they'd committed or pay homage to God.  This went on for thousands of years.  This continued through the "400 years of silence" that I alluded to in my last post.

So therein we see one of the main reasons for Christmas.  Jesus Christ had to come to Earth.  He had to come to save the world.  He had to come to be the final blood sacrifice to atone for the sins committed by those who'd come before and those who have come after Him.

I know what you're thinking, "Hold up, He came here to die?"

Yes.  Yes.  Yes.

He came to Earth on a mission with a specific task.  He came to save you from your sin.

Before you tell me that you don't need a Savior, you've got to agree with me that you make mistakes.  We all do.  If you read the Bible you'll see that all sin is equal.

I know that many Christians today do not make it seem that way.

Every sin, in the eyes of God, is the same.  This is a call-out to Christians to begin to treat things that way as well.  That is another post for another day.

Jesus came to die for every sin committed by every person in every moment of history.  He was sent to here, by way of a virgin-birth, to die for these sins.  God sent Him to be born to die.

So there's the deal with Christmas.  Jesus was born to be our Savior.  He came to save you.  If you don't know him, you should!

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