From the time I felt God's call on my life to coach, I knew He was setting aside someone special for me. All those years ago, I didn't know who, but He was preparing the heart of a beautiful young lady to be my bride, and I don't think she knew either!
I doubt Jennifer ever dreamed she'd be running the roads, sitting in the stands, cheering and screaming for football and basketball teams.
There was a night, when we first started "talking" or dating that we had a conversation about how a coach's wife had to be different. I felt as though a coach's wife had to be strong and thick-skinned (true), independent (true), and enduring (true). Through a long conversation, I finished up with asking her if she felt like that was something she was comfortable with. Mind you, I was still working at ETBU and had ZERO job prospects. She agreed and said, of course, she'd have to learn along the way, but she felt like it was something she could do. I was relieved. That was a weird conversation to have and I really had no idea the full scope of what I was explaining, but I felt it was extremely necessary.
We've been a coaching couple for the last 5 years. The first season, we were engaged and married mid-school year. The last four, we've been a married couple. She has seen a lot of nights, where she arrived home alone and I came in way later. She's had Saturdays and weekends alone. Shes traveled miles and miles down the highways of East Texas and beyond, to watch me and watch my kids. She's been a trooper through and through.
This year, we embark on a new journey. We finished up the last school year with 3 months with a kid. We went through track season with M living in our home. That wasn't too difficult because track is a lot different and a little less strenuous and time-consuming as football. We coasted to the end of the school year, adding one more child.
For those of you who are wondering what is going on, we are foster parents and adoption is in our future.
So this year, Jenn and I will be a coaching couple with kids! It's going to be different and new, but through the grace of God, we will not only survive but we will stretch and grow.
We've already gotten a small preview the last few days. Football camp and meetings started yesterday, I leave at 6:30, come home for lunch, then may not be back until 4 or 5.
The wives of coaches are cut from a different cloth, no offense to you other wives. They essentially become single women and single moms for the portion of the season their husband is coaching. They are usually in the stands and hear all the mess that is said or screamed about their husband or other coaches.
They drive all over the country with kids in tow. They sometimes stay up and wait for their coach to get home, then listen to his stories. (Believe me, that's happened at our house and we end up staying up two extra hours.)
In short, when you're at a football game or other sporting event, be watchful for the coach's wife. They're the strong women supporting their team and their husbands. They usually know what's going on and know many of the kids names.
Show them some love, if nothing else, pray for them.
In the meantime, if you want a look into the life of a coach's wife, check out Jenn's blog...
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