Monday, October 2, 2017

Being Dad

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Back in February, my life was turned down a completely different path!  Well, let's rewind that back to some time last year.

Mary-Faith has been part of our family for the better part of a year or so now.  She was living with a fellow foster parent who was a member of our church and worked at the same school as me.  I can still remember when she first moved to Henderson, she'd be at Wednesday night supper and would always want to sit with my mom, she called her "Miss Camera."  Little did we know what God already had in the works.  So I guess, you could point back to that and say that's when it all really started.  

At that time, we weren't even thinking about adoption.  When I say we, I really mean me.  Jenn has been an advocate for adoption since we started dating, but I was always resistant.  There is another post in my blog history that addresses the changes God made in my heart on this subject.  

So time rolls on, we attempt the private adoption route and experience our first failed adoption in May of 2015.  Then, later on in that year, another attempt falls through.  So, May 2016, we begin taking PRIDE classes to become foster/adopt parents through the state of Texas.  

We go through the process and become foster parents officially (licensed) in January 2017.  

Prior to all that, beginning in August 2016, Mary-Faith had spent a couple of weekends a month at our house.  She'd begun calling us mommy and daddy, and all that kind of stuff.  We were never for sure that we were going to adopt her for a while.  She was just coming and spending time with us, in hopes of, in the future, of adopting her.  

Eventually, after becoming licensed, we found out she was going to be moving in with us, with the end result being adoption.  She had to live with us for six months before adoption could take place.  

So, we moved her in with us on February 3 and began the process of her becoming our for real daughter.  We officially signed our foster papers on February 6.  

Her birthday is February 8, so soon after she moved in, we were able to celebrate her birthday and have a party later on for her! 

So, we go from zero kids to one quickly, then add in our little foster baby we got in May and we had two kids super fast!  If you read my "Fatherhood: Roller Coasters with Bumps and Fire" post, you got a small picture of how the summer went for us!

It's been a truly rewarding experience.  

On September 12, our journey of fostering with Mary-Faith finally came to an end!  We officially adopted her and she became Mary-Faith Abigail Reynolds! What a joyful blessing! 

I grew up with two younger sisters, so I know a thing about girls, but I've never raised a girl.  Let's not lie, it can be a little overwhelming at times.  

The Lord has truly blessed Jennifer and I with this beautiful little girl.  Many of you have been with us since the beginning of our journey and you've prayed, bought shirts, donated, called, texted, and encouraged.  

We are so thankful for you guys.  We are so thankful to God for putting our lives on this path.  Our fostering and adopting are not finished yet, we've still got the rest of our lives to go!

I hope you'll stay tuned for what's next! 

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