“I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”
Revelation 3:15-16
Jesus’ own words to the church at Laodecia. Jesus’ words to us.
What I hear, when I read this text is one word. STOP! Stop the flip-flopping. Stop the wishy-washy. Stop the fence riding. We want one foot in the world and one foot on Jesus. That’s not it. That’s far from being what His desire for our life is. God doesn’t want the half of you. He wants all of you. It has to be all or nothing. God doesn’t desire for us to want to serve Him in Monday, then on Tuesday seek to serve our self. He doesn’t just want our Sundays, when we give our Saturdays to the party.
He wants all! All of you, all of me! Everything we’ve got.
We spend so much time trying to please our friends, co-workers, and our family. We need to take that energy and spend it blessing God. His opinion is all that matters. Take Solomon for example, the wisest man in history. He chased after every single human pleasure. Parties, possessions, sex, and even intelligence. In the book of Ecclesiastes, we get to read about his “research” and “experiment” of experiencing every pleasure he could pursue. In the end, he likens it to chasing after the wind. Specific words he uses are “futile” and “meaningless.” Why was it like this? The pursuit was apart from God. Which in turn, makes the pleasure temporary. The feelings don’t last.
So we run back to Jesus. Then, He asks us to do something we don’t want to do, or we learn that we need to make some changes in our hearts and lives. Where do we run? Away. We run to the next party or the next bottle or the next person. We are looking for fulfillment to a hole that only has one shape. It’s like kids playing with the shapes and the box where the shapes go. My son has this toy. No matter how much he tries, or how physical he gets, the square is not going to fit in the circle. These things we try to fill our hole with, don’t belong there.
Oh, we like to force it sometimes. We also like to leave “just enough room for Jesus.” However, if you go back up and read the verse, Jesus tells us that if we are trying to play that game He's not interested. He wants fully sold out followers.
I think further evidence can come from looking at the calling of Jesus' disciples.
We can see two instances recorded in Matthew 4 and 9. The callings of Peter, Andrew, James, and John, then the calling of Matthew. In both scenes, Jesus rolls up, calls out to them, "Follow me," and they drop what they're doing and they go. They don't wait. They stop what they were previously doing and go. We don't see them trying to figure out how to fit God into their schedule. They let God dictate their schedule.
We have got to sell out for the right side. Sell out for following Jesus. Spend out lives sharing the Gospel. Wherever we are. Whenever the opportunity arises. Follow Jesus or don't. It is not a two sided coin.