Wednesday, February 6, 2019


Where does our citizenship belong?  Where does our allegiance belong?  Can one man serve two masters?  What is my identity?  Those thoughts have been going through my mind for the last few years.  I don't know why, except to say that God is forming my identity far from what it used to be.

First of all, let me say, the Bible is extremely clear on exactly where our citizenship lies.

  "Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the                          example you have in us.  For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even                      with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ.  Their end is destruction, their god is                        their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things.  But our                              citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will                        transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him                            even to subject all things to himself."
                                                                     Philippians 3:17-21

This passage speaks volumes to where our allegiances should lie and where our citizenship lies as believers.  Jesus Christ is the be all, end all of everything we should do.

When we give our life to Christ, we lay aside everything for His sake.  Yes!  That means our family, our career, our country, and all our allegiance.  As a believer, we are citizens of a Kingdom, beyond anything in this world.  Our loyalty only belongs to God.  In the book of Matthew, Jesus says,"No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other..."  You're finishing that and about to ask me why I didn't.  Jesus closes with, "You can't serve God and money."  So, yeah, we can't serve two masters, but that is just in regards to money and God right?  I must say, I don't think so.  I think we can read this message for what it is.  We must only serve God.  If I swear allegiance to anything else, country, party, money, job, or anything, that puts me on another side away from God.  No country, political party, nationality, or president deserves my loyalty.

Let me stop you before you bring me Matthew 22:21.  Yes, Jesus tells us to "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's."  What we tend to overlook is the end of that statement, "and to God the things that are God's."  You're probably thinking again that this is a statement about money.  You would be right.  Jesus is speaking of taxes, but again I think if we look at His teaching, He is attempting to show us much more.  What has God called us to?  To give Him our lives.  Can I give my life both to Jesus and to America?  Can I give my allegiance to both Jesus and my political party?

My loyalty lies with the King of the Universe, Jesus Christ.

My absolute allegiance and commitment lies in Jesus Christ.  All other commitments I have are secondary to Him.  My allegiance to Jennifer Reynolds is contingent on that relationship not taking the place of my relationship with Christ.  My relationship with the rest of my family is the same way.  My citizenship in the U.S.A. is secondary to my citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven.  When the U.S.A. dissipates, the Kingdom of Heaven will still be.

I am not a coach who is a Christ-follower.  I am not an American who is a Christ-follower.  I am not a husband who is a Christ-follower.  I am a Christ-follower who has been placed in this portion of the world for God's purpose.  Contrary to popular belief, God's purpose is not to make me famous or to make my name great.  It is not to get me a lot of money, a beautiful house, or anything of that nature.  God's purpose is that He be made known.   My purpose in life is to know God and to make Him known.  That is it.  He allows me to be where I am because that is where He placed me.  I am a coach because that is how He will achieve His purpose.  I am married to my amazing wife because that is a part of His plan.  I am a foster/adoptive parent because that's how He will spread His love.  All authority on earth is subordinate to Christ.

My affiliation doesn't matter aside from who I am in God.  God asks for ALL of me.

If you call yourself a Christian/Christ-follower, the same should be said of you.  God isn't waiting for America to turn back to Him.  He's waiting for you and He's waiting for me to turn back to Him.  He is waiting for us to start living by the Bible.  We have to adopt a new worldview.  For so long, we have adopted this so-called "Christian Worldview."  That worldview is skewed by our Americanized Christianity.  We must align ourselves with the God of the Bible.  That transforms us into a Biblical Worldview.  Sadly, we've westernized everything in creation, the Bible included.

We have to be people of the Bible.  The WHOLE Bible. Not just the bits and pieces that make us feel good.  The parts that make us feel uncomfortable.  These scriptures I have quoted have brought me discomfort, because I know I am not truly living like they say.  I am not always living like a citizen of the Kingdom and I am not always giving God what is His.

I pray that you hear my heart in this writing.  I write what I am going through.  This subject has been and will always be a subject of contention in our country.  I pray that God continues to mold my heart and mind toward his purpose and away from mine.  I pray that you seek the same thing.

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