Friday, July 12, 2019

Racism: A Declaration of War

Evangelical Christians, mainly of the Caucasian variety, have a great number of pet issues.  One of these would be abortion.  I don’t think I would find anyone in disagreement that abortion is at the forefront of the evangelical agenda.  As it very well should be. 

However, I think we miss on a great number of issues.  Specifically the issue of race, not to mention the foster system in America, as well as, the poverty gap.  I believe that we tend to attack the left on the issue of abortion while stepping over this other issue.  Of course, I believe fully that the left has their pet issues as well.  I would propose the fact that we pull ourselves, as evangelicals to the middle, even our of the political arena all together.  

Let me get to my point rather succinctly today.  My point is, we can’t have one without the other.  It’s been said we’ve got to care about lives outside the womb just as much as we do inside the womb.  Evangelicals do not do that very well.  (Before you comment, understand I am looking at the whole of evangelicals, I know there are pockets that care for both and stand for both.  My thesis is that this is not the majority.)

I recently listened to a podcast where a woman gave a great picture of what racism is.  

It’s a declaration of war.  On who? On the King of the Universe.  On God. 

By now, you’re wondering where in the heck I am going with this.  

In Matthew 22, Jesus is approached by a group of Pharisees he labels hypocrites.  They ask him about paying taxes. He asks to see their coin.  On the coin is the image (Greek: eikon; Hebrew: tselem)  of Caesar, and so he tells them to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s.  So let’s take a look at that word there.  The Greek for image, eikon, parallels with the Hebrew word taelem that is used when God creates man.  

Are you with me so far? Okay, cool, here we go!

So in ancient times and many eras to follow, enemies of a king or kingdom would deface any sort of likeness of that king.  Whether it be money or banners, they would deface it.  This would be an act or declaration of war.  

So what is racism.  Well, if we consider that what the Bible tells us is true, then We must deduct that racism is an act of war against God.  If we believe we are all created in the tselem or the imago dei, then we either think or speak in racial tones or when we judge a brother or sister on their skin color, we are thereby defacing them and in turn declaring war on God, himself.  

What’s the next step? The first step is to realize that these lives outside the womb are just as important as the lives of unborn babies in the womb!   We must begin to reconcile ourselves to our brothers and sisters.  We have to get over the claim of being “color-blind” and realize that God has created ALL people no matter the color and that this weaves a beautiful tapestry of human kind.  

My prayer is that I begin to think and live this way and that you do too!  

1 comment:

  1. Applause to you, Coach. Racism is as much a concern for our times as it has ever been. As the mom of a black son, I have to have conversations with him that other white kids will not have to endure from their white parents. It’s real. It’s truth. It’s sad and horrifying and oftentimes, truly scary and unworldly in 2019. Until that fact is seen, heard, and understood by all people, this battle will remain. The Lord knows this struggle. He will prevail. Amen!
