Anyway, who are we instead?
The question is deep. It inspires other questions and begs for an answer.
What were we meant to be?
We (men and women) were created as a part of God's perfect plan. He set out to make us in His image, as told in the first chapter of Genesis. He created us to have dominion over His creation, the Earth and all that was in it.
But, who are we instead?
The Bible tells us, that man faltered. Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sinning against Him. They set aside love and respect for God, for the opportunity, or so they thought, to be like Him. Satan thought he'd accomplished something major. He caused God's prized creation to doubt God and turn against Him!
But, who are we instead?
Instead of permanently being lost to sin, God restored His covenant with man in the nation of Israel. He set guides for them in the laws of the Old Testament and led them through slavery, the desert, terrible rulers and tyrants, the good, the bad, the ugly, and captivity.
But, who are we instead?
The Israelites were, at times, ungrateful people who thought they could accomplish things on their own. They turned their backs on God, time after time, and failed to see the power He was displaying in their lives.
But, who are we instead?
We are worthy of great sacrifice. Even after everything the Israelites did, even after much of the world had rejected God, He sent His son to the Earth. This son was specifically sent to be a sacrifice for the salvation of the entire world. When Jesus came, He was a game changer. The old way of doing things went out the window and a new way was born. The one, true God laid down his life as a sacrifice for our sin. He put himself in our place to atone for what had been done.
But, who are we instead?
We are a prideful people, who cant relinquish enough control in order to let God control our lives. We want to be the god of our life. We are glory hogs. We crave the spotlight, we are hungry for everything the world gives us.
But, who are we instead?
The Bible tells us we are a redeemed people and that those who have been redeemed also have the task of pointing others to the light of Jesus Christ. We are the hands and the feet of Jesus Christ. We are the bearers of the Good News.
We are heirs to the Kingdom of God.
How do we get this way?
It starts, by admitting who we are. God doesn't call you, and tell you to fix yourself before you come, he asks your to come as you are and to bring all you baggage and let Him handle it. All He asks is for repentance, not just a "I'm sorry," but an "I apologize, and I will change. The God of the universe, who made the galaxy and the ocean and everything in them and can call them all by name, wants you reach out to Him!
If you are curious as to what all this means, by all means e-mail me.
I would love to hear from you!